Past Events
July 2015
Matinee concert in the Botanic Garden in München-Nymphenburg
Taking part in the 12th Vaterstetten Choir Night in Vaterstetten parish church
April 2015
Concert in Wirtshaus zum Isartal in Munich.
Taking part in the Passion concerto "Kreuzwegstationen II" by jazz violinist Hannes Beckmann, together with the Philharmonic Jazz Chamber Orchestra.
January 2015
Double concert with the Wolperdinger Singers in the Weissen Bräuhaus in Kelheim.
December 2014
Advent concert series 'Alle Jahre schon wieder' under the direction of Matthias Seitz. Performances in the Munich's Erlöserkirche, at the cultural centre in Munich's Messestadt, at the GSD-Saal in Vaterstetten, and at the Martinstadl in Zorneding.
Auftritt im Rahmen der Weihnachtsfeier der Gemeindeverwaltung Vaterstetten in der Kirche St. Nikolaus in Parsdorf
November 2014
Christmas appearance at the Baldham Christkindl Market
Double concert with a capella comedy troupe Six Pack in Munich's Freiheizhalle
October 2014
„Kultur im Kuhstall“: The don camillo choir sings at the Landgasthaus in Schwabbruck bei Schongau
July 2014
The great anniversary concert for the don camillo chor's 20th Birthday. All six past and present choir directors too part in this special occasion: Philipp Bernhard, Rainer Dunker, Peter Giesl, Florian Helgath, Andrea Figallo and Matthias Seitz.
Matinee concert in the Munich Botanic Garden.
June 2014
Appearance at the Festival of the Bavarian Singing Society in the Ballhaus in Rosenheim.
May 2014
Performed in the 9th German Choir Competition in Weimar. The judges' verdict: "took part with very good degree of success".
March 2014
(A Cappella)³ – the tour of the winners of the Bavarian Choir Competitions. Combined concerts with Greg is Back and Jazzchor Miesbach in Augsburg, München, and Schliersee.
December 2013
Performance at the Christmas benefit concert for the 60th anniversary of UNICEF, which took place in Munich's Old Town Hall.
November 2013
Entered the 9th Bavarian Choir Competitions. Tied for first place with Jazzchor Miesbach and Greg is Back, achieving 24.0 points and a judges' verdict of "took part with excellent success".
October 2013

The 'L-O-V-E' concert series under the direction of Matthias Seitz. Concerts in Passauer Redoute, Alten Kino Ebersberg, Kulturzentrum München-Messestadt, Bürgerhaus Neukeferloh, GSD-Saal Vaterstetten, and Pasinger Fabrik.
September 2013
Invited by BR KLASSIK to perform at the Munich Isarinselfest.
July 2013
Matinee concert in the Munich Botanic Garden under the baton of Matthias Seitz.
Took part in the 11th Vaterstettener Chornacht in the Vaterstetten Pfarrkirche.
May 2013
Vocal Festival in Aarhus, Denmark: Workshops with Anders Edenroth, Rhiannon, RoxorLoops, Jim Daus Hjernøe, and Roger Treece, and a coaching session with Line Groth Riis. Also performed a Midday Concert im the Musikhuset Foyer (see also "Highlights")
Concert in der "Mårslet Kirke" in Aarhus, Denmark.
January 2013
Took part in the Chorfestival Jazz Vocal Süd in Ochsenhausen. Concerts and Workshops with mit Jens Johansen, Tine Fris, and Line Groth (Vocal Line) (see also "Highlights")
December 2012
Festive Christmas mini-concert in Munich's Perlacher Einkaufs-Passagen (PEP) shopping centre.
November 2012
The first concert series, "Changes", with don camillo chor's new director Andrea Figallo. Dates in Kulturzentrum Messestadt, Bürgerhaus Neukeferloh, Martinstadl Zorneding, and Pasinger Fabrik.

September 2012
Big farewell concert of the don camillo chor for Florian Helgath, Musikhochschule München (Academy of Music), Munich
May 2012
Musica Sacra International:
Performance of the Jazz-requiem for choir and big band by Steve Gray, together with the via-nova-chor and the Bayerisches Landes-Jugendjazzorchester (Youth jazz big band of Bavaria; see "Highlights")
April 2012
Concert as part of the festival "49. Bad Feilnbacher Chorwoche“ of the Bayerischer Sängerbund (Bavarian singers association) in Bad Feilnbach
November 2011
Concert tour „all the right things“; concerts in the Sophiensaal München, Bürgerzentrum Messestadt, Bürgerhaus Neukeferloh and Martinstadl Zorneding
October 2011
Appearance at the ceremonial act for the 10th anniversary of the Veranstaltungsforum Fürstenfeld (event forum in Fürstenfeld)
July 2011
Concert of the Sängerkreis München (Munich choir association) at the Sophiensaal München
Choir matinée in the botanical garden of Munich (Botanischen Garten München-Nymphenburg)
10th Night of the choirs in Vaterstetten in the Pfarrkirche Vaterstetten
June 2011
Appearance at the ceremonial act for the 105th anniversary of the Bayerischer Sängerbund (Bavarian singers association) in the ceremonial room of the town hall in Landshut
Concert tour to Dresden with a double concert together with the A Cappella Vocal Ensemble "Voice It" (see "Highlights")
February 2011
Flash mob at the R&B-Show with Susanne Rohrer and Christiane Brammer. The TV show was recorded at the „Schlachthof“ and broadcasted by Bayerisches Fernsehen (Bavarian Television)
Concert tour „this secret chord“; concerts in the big concert hall of the Musikhochschule München (University of music, Munich) and in the Bürgersaal Oberhaching.
Special guest: the munich jazzband FOURsprung
January 2011
Choir festival „Jazz Vocal Süd“ in Ochsenhausen. Concerts and workshops with Prof. Lindsay Lewis, Bertrand Gröger (Jazzchor Freiburg) and Acoustic Instinct (see "Highlights")